Reading Types:

  1. General Psychic Reading
  2. Career Readings
  3. Life Purpose Readings
  4. Energy Healing & Releasing
  5. Life Coach
  6. Tarot Card Reading
  7. Connecting With A Love One-Mediumship Reading
  8. Combination Reading of Several Categories Listed Above

Pricing:                                            PaymentMethods

1/2 Hour Reading   $60            1 Hour Reading  $100                            Zelle only


Offered in Phoenix AZ and Hilton Head SC

4 Night/3 Day Mind, Body, and Soul Weekend Retreat

This retreat combines all of our one-day events into one weekend retreat. It includes our Finding Your Joy & Exploring Your Life Purpose, Grief Retreat, Dramatic Life Changes, and Mindful Meditation and Wellness.

1 Day Finding Your Joy & Exploring Your Life Purpose

This event focuses on Finding Joy in Life and exploring your Life Purpose based on numerology. YOU ARE NEVER LOST IN LIFE.  YOU JUST NEED TO REMEMBER YOUR TRUE AUTHENTIC SELF.

1 Day Grief Retreat

This Weekend Helps You Release the Grief Energy & Pain You Have Been Holding Onto

Grief Retreat

1 Day Dramatic Life Changes Retreat      

This Retreat Is For Anyone Going Through Major Life Transitions/Changes

Dramatic Life Changes Retreat

1 Day Mindful Meditation & Wellness Retreat

This one-day event focuses on Meditation, Letting Go of Energy, & Connecting Directly To Source

Mindful Meditation & Wellness Retreat

How To Schedule A Reading:

You can either text me call me at 602-448-2069 & let me know what type of reading you need.  I am in the mountain standard time zone.  Please let me know what time zone you are in when calling or texting.

All appointment begin and end on time.  If you think you will need more time, please schedule so accordingly upfront.

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